if you're all alone, when the pretty birds have flown, honey, i'm still free
take a chance on me

making big announcement
Class 2-4 of Regent Sec 2010 :)
2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4

2-4 2010

Consists of 31 crazy monkeys:
1. Adeline
2. Amreena
3. Frannie
4. Wei Lin
5. Deborah
6. Sin Yi
7. Atikah
8. Farah
9. Calista
10. Rachael
11. Sarafina
12. Syarafina Aqilah
13. Kai Shing
14. Aik Ming
15. Davinder
16. Ce Xiang
17. Yang Rui
18. Ha Young
19. Jie Lun
20. Vernon
21. Edmund
22. Max
23. Hassani
24. Taufiq
25. Leonidas
26. Shi Guang
27. Chee Yuan
28. Terence
29. Kai Liang
30. Teng Xuan
31. Wilson
32. Brad

Form teacher: Ms Hap(laoye), Mr Low
English: Ms Eng
Chinese: Ms Hap
Math: Mdm Soh
Science: Mrs Sim
PSE: Ms Irda
Geography: Mr Mohammad
Music: Ms Tay
HE:Ms Sng, Ms Li
PE: Mr Lo
CME: Ms Hap, Mr Low

1-4 2009

Consists of 24 crazy monkeys:
1. Adeline
2. Amereena
3. Frannie
5. SinYi
6. Maisha
7. Atikah
8. Farah
9. Calista
10. Rachael
11. Sarafina
12. Syarafina Aqilah
13. Wendy
14. Kai Shing
15. Davinder
16. Ce Xiang
17. Yang Rui
18. Ha Young
19. Jie Lun
20. Vernon
21. Edmund
22. Leonidas
23. Shi Guang
24. Chee Yuan
25. Terence
26. Kai Liang
27. Teng Xuan
28. Wilson
29. Xin Yi
30. Deborah

Form teacher: Ms Irda
English: Ms Lim
Chinese: Ms Hap
Malay: Ms Irda
Maths: Mdm Soh
Science: Mdm Juliana
Literature: Ms Darshini
Art: Mr Izwandy
CME: Ms Irda
PSE: Ms Irda
Geography: Ms Tan
History: Mr Lim
HE: Ms Tay, Ms Sng
PE: Mr khoo
Music: Ms Tay


2-1 2-2 2-3 2-5 2-6 2-7
Lao Ye
Aik Ming
Ce Xiang

Coded by hasta mañana with gratitude towards thebikiniboy. Header inspirations: scintillantstar | Icon: crumblee xxx

Friday, October 30, 2009 /3:52 PM

Venue: Yew Mei Green (bbq)
Date: 6 Nov 2009, Friday
Time: 6 to 10pm

1. Meet at the bus stop outside Yew Mei Green at 5.50pm
2. Please bring about $8 for the ingredients, etc
3. Please bring extra clothing and a plastic bag to contain your wet shirt.

Anything, contact Rachael or Adeline

Thursday, October 29, 2009 /8:16 PM

Tomorrow is the last day of school.
We gonna promoted to sec2 liao.

Congrats to
 Syarafina Aqilah
as they're selected to receive the
achievers' tea awards!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009 /10:55 AM

Our first class outing~BBQ, is not that successful as the second one. Only 10 plus people turn out. I am glad that many had turn out at the second class outing. For the third class outing, I hope more people is able to turn out.

The venue need to be:
1. not to far
2. no need spent so much money (about $20)
3. go home before 12am (guai kia)
4. *FUN*

Ye Lao Shi
Adeline ~ Anything
Frannie ~ Lazer Quest, Bowling
Sin Yi ~ Chalet
Atikah ~ Lazer Quest
Farah ~ Anything
Calista ~ Chalet
Syarafina Aqilah
Kai Shing
Ce Xiang
Yang Rui ~ Chalet
Ha Young
Jie Lun
Edmund ~ Lazer Quest
Shi Guang
Chee Yuan
Terence ~ Anything (except wild wild wet)
Kai Liang
Teng Xuan
Xin Yi

Sunday, October 25, 2009 /12:27 PM

Class Outing Alert!!!
I planning for few more class outing. Venue, Date, Time I have not confirmed. But it will be on school holiday. Any suggestions?

1. Bowiling
2. Lazer quest
3. BBQ (went before)
4. Wild Wild Wet
5. Chalet
6. Paint ball
7. Movies
8. Snow City
9. Escape Theme Park

Saturday, October 24, 2009 /9:00 PM

Hey! Anyone wan to go bowling, laser quest(suggested by frannie) or both during the holidays? Its a class outing la. But me and frannie is confirm going le juz haven't confirm date onli. So now trying to pull more people go. And if possible try to confirm date la.
Number 25 (:

/1:19 PM

HOHOHO! The tagboard is back XD We guys can continue our mass chat :D
Anw, pls RELINK our class blog. 1234 HUAT AR

Monday, October 19, 2009 /7:57 PM

/7:40 PM

HELLO! Gonna get our paper back tomorrow. heheXD  Remember to bring green pen. But of cos, hope that we won't need a green pen. It had been a long week end, dun be too slack. Wish all of you can pass with flying colours.
This few days must behave well, so Miss Irda may change her mind of putting some of you to other class. We must stay as one ~

Sunday, October 18, 2009 /7:29 PM

Hey people, pls take note that all CCA activities will resume from Monday, 26 October 2009. More information on eblaze. (netball training resume on 21st Oct, Wed)

Saturday, October 17, 2009 /12:09 PM

Yo people. hehe. Today our class de boys going play badminton. Wanna join them/us? More detail ask Terence, Chee Yuan, Wilson, Shi Guang ....

Post without name or by who, are usually posted by me, Adeline

Friday, October 16, 2009 /8:00 PM

Heyyy PPL
EOY finish le orhhh
Must enjoy to the max! ;D

Hope everyone in same class next year!

/7:34 PM


Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
To Our "King Leonidas'
Happy Birthday To You!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009 /9:14 PM

Hey people, 3 more days to go!
Tuesday: Science paper
Wednesday: Math paper 2 and MT paper 3
Thursday: art

Monday, October 5, 2009 /4:00 PM

Ms Irda birthday on 11 Oct, Sunday
Calista birthday on 8 Oct, Thursday
What should we give them? What suprise we should give them? Any idea??? (SMS Adeline)
Anw, remember to do the art prep work. You have to complete page 3 by Thursday, 8/10/09

Sunday, October 4, 2009 /2:29 PM

Yo everyone ,
long time no post alr and tagboard is like dead alr
Anyway Good luck for ur EOY
And hav outing after EOY k?
So I end my post here alr Gd luck again
Mr Goh Yang Rui =D

Thursday, October 1, 2009 /7:10 PM

Good Luck for all the examination!!! JIAYOU JIAYOU
1. Science worksheet (ASAP)
2. Singapore River video hand in on 2/10/09, Friday
3. Art lantern and ply wood (ASAP)

1. Please hand in the overdue homework as soon as possible.
2. You may go home after your exam.
3. Please revise and study for your test and exam.
4. The Singapore River video deadline had been extended to Friday, 2/10/09.
5. Please complete and hand in your ecareer worksheet (ASAP)
6. Hey people! Congratulation, there are no test recently. BUT, there are exam
7. Remember to bring dictionary for chinese examination!!!